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It's not bad people.
It's outdated traditions.

At NPAWS, we are dedicated to ending normalized cruelty to companion animals. We are 100% volunteer run. So your donation will directly support efforts to save America's pets from non-therapeutic invasive procedures, and educate the public on the importance of a more humane treatment of animals. Please donate today and join us in  creating a kinder world for our friends who can't speak for themselves.

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National Pet Advocacy and Welfare Society (NPAWS) is a 100% volunteer-run  501(c)3 charitable corporation based in Austin, TX. EIN 84-3225816


NPAWS,, National Pet Advocacy and Welfare Society, National Pet Advocacy & Welfare Society, Pet Positive, Pet Positive Movement, and Saving American pets from normalized cruelty are trademarks of the National Pet Advocacy and Welfare Society.

©2023  National Pet Advocacy and Welfare Society. All rights reserved.

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